Wednesday, June 01, 2005

#27 -- Election by Tom Perrotta

The Newark Star Ledger started a new column this week that will run all summer in their Perspective section.

It will feature famous writres that are from new Jersey and they will write a column about New Jersey related topics-ish.

The first column this week was by Tom Perrotta who is from Garfield, New Jersey. His column was interesting and neat even though my complaint is that it just ended without much purpose to it at all.

Regardless... I picked up Election by him as a fun little tribute to him. It is an extremely concise and powerful novel that was turned into a major motion picture with Matthew Broderick and Reese Witherspoon.

The movie was fantastic and the book is tremendous. Perrotta is a talented writer who is able to tap into the human psyche rather well writing about how fallable humans are and shows us their innermost thoughts.


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